The Duan of Destruction, Shogun of the silk streets, sterling silver; for his very words hold value. The true successor to the god king he shares a name; Ramesse, The undisputed underworld Emperor of the Bronx, has fallen. His generals, the architects of war have fallen as well but into perpetual infighting. New and old names alike are taking up the title of warlord and have fractured the Bronx beast. In this chaos the Flicher & Welsh Security force(winners of the public safety contract for the Bronx) have taken on a militarized approach to all forms of policing. They shoot first then shoot again and after the smoke has cleared they write the answers that best fits their narrative. The people like the land they inhabit are torn, not just by affiliation but between the blackest grey shades of the past, the possible greener pastures and the flames enveloping the now. Lines have been drawn in the sand and they are showing no signs of fading.
-Dev Notes-
We built the Bronx to be a Romance of the three kingdoms meets Arthurian tall in a Blackspitation, grindhouse, Double Feature. Here we play with the atmosphere in which you find yourself in. The Bronx previous to this civil war was ruled by a crime boss that saw himself as a king and the people beneath him as His People. Ramesse believed an empire was only as strong as its weakest subject. So began to train and better the people; opening dojos, trade schools, educational lotteries that sent the best and brightest to college and many other things. All these things were available to anyone willing to serve under him. He built a micro government in the Bronx and now he’s gone; leaving behind a people that have been forever changed, whether they followed him or not.
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