Warfare, Construction, Manufacturing, Blue and White Collar work. The Basics of using a large group of people to get things done.
What Mass Covers, as of now:
• Leaderless Masses(Mob rules!): AKA a Mob. It acts more like a human tornado, damaging to tossing anything within range. It has a maximum size, we cover how they form, their stats and dispersal. Both natural and forced. .
• Lead Mass: A tooled unit, benefiting from the leader's Practices and Traits spec'ed to the leader's needs.
• Size of a Force: Ranging from a 5 person Fire-team, to a 400,000 person Field Army.
• Other Mechanics: What it takes to equip, supply and maintain these units. How these large forces interact with the world both in and out of combat.
She ain't heavy, She's my military industrial complex, Baby!
(5 points if you get these references)